Sunday, August 17, 2008

God Loves You.

The central message in Scripture is that God loves you. It is not appreciated fully until we realize that all of us are sinners worthy of eternal torment in Hell. Harsh as it sounds, it is sadly true. But as we come to understand that we are sinfully flawed, the love of God becomes overwhelming.

It is one thing for a man to love a faithful, caring wife that washes his clothes, cooks his meals, and cleans his house (like my beautiful wife), but it is quite another to love a woman who ignores you, only thinks of herself, and even cheats on you. We are like the selfish woman. We ignored God, put our self first, and Christ is not the Lord of our lives. Yet God looks at us in our rebellious and foolish ways and loves us anyway (Romans 5:6+8). He deeply cares about what you are going through. You are special in His eyes: uniquely made in His own image, and capable of a relationship with Him. You hold great significance to Him. The holy God who created the universe, the same God who rejects all sin, yearns to be close to you. He longs for you to be with Him, but our sins separate us from Him (Isaiah 59:2). Thank God, Jesus bridges the gap. The sinless perfect Man allowed Himself to be abused and crucified for our sins. His blood was shed for us to be cleansed and forgiven.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded (James 4:8).

“Lord Forgive me, I have sinned...” He is right here. Receive His mercy and enjoy Him.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

First blog

This is my first post on what I hope will be a useful blog spot in defense of Scripture. It is the duty of a Christian to not only believe God's Word but also to defend it...from Genesis to Revelation. Attacks on Scripture and Christianity come from all angles so we need a godly defense in multiple fronts.

Think about them all: Athiesm, Agnosticism, Evolutionism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witness, Islam, Judaism, Pantheism, Satanism, Paganism, Witchcraft, Psychic cultism, Astrology, UFO cultism, etc. all require a unique approach from Scripture, logic and persuation. We have the superior argument, but we need to study to show ourselves approved unto God, workers that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (accurately handling) the word of truth.

A well rounded presentation of apologetics will be necessary using Textual Science (Hermanutics), Creation Science, Fulfilled Prophecy, Archeological Confirmation, Historical Coroboration and more.

More later.